
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The Ritual

Our family has a new nightly ritual.  I would not go so far as to call it a habit yet, but we are working in that direction.  Almost every evening, our family reads the "grown-up" Bible together before the kids go to bed.  We started in Genesis, and have read through Exodus and Numbers.  Tomorrow we will finish Deuteronomy.  (Yes, we temporarily postponed  Leviticus.)  Our family Bible time is one of my favorite parts of the day, and recently it got even better.

Colossians 1:3 says, "We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you."

If you are on our mailing list, last month you received an information card with your newsletter.  You should have received a stamped envelope as well.  On the back of the information card, there was a place for you to write your prayer requests.  During our family Bible time, each of us draw a card from the pile and then prays for the person and requests listed.  With four of us drawing cards, we are able to work through the stack pretty quickly, so if you turned in your card early, you can be encouraged in the fact that we have already intentionally prayed for you and your request 3 or 4 times.  If you just sent in your card (or have not done it yet), be encouraged;  the kids are excited to check the mail for more cards daily and are even more excited when they draw a card no one in the family has had before.  I wish all of you could hear the prayers of our children as they thank God for people joining "our ministry team."  Trinity and Jonathan have personal ownership of this ministry already, and we hope you do as well.  Each of you are playing a huge role in our story and in God's story in us and in Romania.  Thank You!  We are thankful to you and we are thankful to God for you.

We are thankful to have you in our lives and to be a part of your life as well.  God is so good!

2 responses to “Talking to God”

  1. Please tell your kids that the Jackson family is thankful for their prayers. You have such a beautiful family. Looking forward to reading and hearing more about your adventures as time goes by. Love your pure heart for God.

  2. Thank you. I thank God that he allowed me to be a part of your story. It is a honor to be your mom.