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Thoughts & Inspiration

New beginnings

Our blog is moving. We will now be using to share about our life and ministry in Romania. Please subscribe for updates. Life has been pretty crazy lately, … Read more about New beginnings

Colored Eggs

On Sunday, May 5, we celebrated Easter in Romania.  Romania follows the Eastern Orthodox calendar, so some of the holidays come at different times than in the States.   In celebration of … Read more about Colored Eggs

Getting Ready

     Those of you that know me well, know that I hate to be late.  I hate to even be on time.  I am an early person.  I used to go crazy getting ready for school, … Read more about Getting Ready

Who am I

     This past Sunday I was a farmer.  I had the opportunity to spend the morning with twelve teenagers, sharing God's Word and having some very interesting … Read more about Who am I

The Big Picture

It’s funny how in life we often fail to see the beauty that is all around us until it is no longer there. When my family moved to Florida we missed simple things like the beautiful color of the … Read more about The Big Picture